Ukrainian superheroes Azovstal
Our mission is to show the world that the defenders of Ukraine are not imaginary fighters but completely real beautiful and loving people that are defending the safety of the whole democratic world nowadays.
“Eyes of Mariupol” are warriors of unprecedented courage that, despite extremely complicated conditions, did not lay down their arms and continued to defend the whole Ukraine as long as it was possible.
“Eyes of Mariupol” is our joint attempt to thank the defenders for their bravery and valiancy.
Anastasiia Dmytruk
This project began when Anastasiia received a message from the mother of a guy who was at the Azovstal steel plant at that time. The woman asked to write about her son so that not only she knew about him. And Nastia promised her that she would do everything possible so that everyone would know about the defenders of Mariupol.

Delivery abroad and within Ukraine is paid separately.
The number of copies is limited.
German translation.

Delivery abroad and within Ukraine is paid separately.
The number of copies is limited.
English translation.

Delivery abroad and within Ukraine is paid separately.
The number of copies is limited.
Italian translation.

Book size: 235*225 mm
Number of pages: 160 articles
Cover: Hardcover
Delivery abroad and within Ukraine is paid separately.

Замовити дві збірки Анастасії Дмитрук
Це моя і твоя війна (2017) - вірші+проза
Верните нам наше небо (2014) - перша збірка віршів

Замовити всі книги разом.
Очі Маріуполя (2023)
Це моя і твоя війна (2017)
Верните нам наше небо (2014)
The book “Eyes of Mariupol” is an imprint of history as it was happening. It is a nerve fiber, weaved from the phone conversations heard only by the ruined walls of “Azovstal”, from messages sent by the besieged fighters, from feelings captured in the drawings of their beloved ones.
In the book, you will find QR codes from videos from the private archives of the heroes, and you can wander with them through the ruins of the factory in search of food or run around Mariupol during the shelling.
The hidden photos of the heroes who are currently in Russian captivity will appear on our website as soon as they return home. You can print these photos and paste them in your book.
Оплата приймається з будь-якої картки Visa/Mastercard (крім виданих рф). Оплата здійснюється через такі платіжні системи як i
Доставка по Україні здійснюватиметься Новою Поштою та УкрПоштою з оплатою за рахунок одержувача під час отримання.
Книжки для інших країн надійдуть Укрпоштою на вказану вами адресу і ціна доставки уже включена в вартість.
Доставка в росію та Білорусь не здійснюється.
Насамперед, перепрошую за це непорозуміння. Напишіть, будь ласка, на пошту Я швидко з'ясую що сталося і відправлю вам примірник протягом 24 годин.
300 грн з кожного примірника буде перераховано на Лютий збір бригади Азов,
ще 200 грн - на підтримку Асоціації родин захисників Азовсталі.
Ну по-перше, придбати книгу. :)
Але якщо Ви хочете зробити більше: організувати виставку, презентацію, допомогти з поширенням книги, або ще щось - напишіть мені на пошту і ми домовимось. Дякую!
Для нас важлива будь-яка підтримка.
На жаль служби доставки не завжди працюють на віддміно і інколи книга може приїхати до вас пошкодженою. Якщо це мова про вас - відмовтеся від отримання цієї книги, я вам надішлю новий примірник.
This poignant album is clearly the fruit of great gratitude.
The book is like a network in which the sad and tragic is interwoven with the warm humor of those who stopped being afraid long ago. To make fun of oneself, to be able to see the funny in the terrible - this is to rise in spirit above all trials and be ready to meet a heroic death...
The book essentially describes our living history through the destinies of many people - superheroes, and Mariupol, "Azovstal" are already new symbols of indomitability for us. Emotional is not easy to read...
Great job, well done you and your team!
Ми живому в складний час, ми бачимо війну, ми її переживаємо! Але прийдешнім поколінням треба знати якою була ця війна, саме тому зараз ми потребуємо правди, і правдивих свідчень, щоб наші діти знали як герої, які зараз поруч з нами, боронили свою землю і щоб наші діти знали хто є справжній ворог!
Heroes are beacons that not only show the way, but also protect us from the reefs of despair! A hero is not a heavenly person, it is a boy or girl who lives next to us, but they had the courage to enter history without bending their backs ... But they are just people!
Also you can support the project to document the Russian-Ukrainian war and popularize the courage of Ukrainian defenders on PATREON:

Anastasia Dmytruk
Author of "We will never be brothers", "For Kharkiv, Marik, for Irpin";
the initiator and co-coordinator of the global campaign #terroRussia, which took place in more than 60 cities, 2022.
"I am infinitely grateful to the team working on the Eyes of Mariupol project - they work diligently, devotedly, some under fire, some in hiding or running around coffee shops in search of light and the Internet. It so happened that all members of our team are now in Ukraine . At home. Thanks to the soldiers who defended, defend and will defend our land, and
among them — defenders of Mariupol.
The project plans include holding exhibitions in different countries of the world based on the collected photos and illustrations materials that will be complemented by the presentation of the book that you can now purchase.
Part of the funds collected from the sale of the book will be transferred to causes that will bring Ukraine closer to victory, as well as to support Ukrainian families who lost their defenders in Mariupol."
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